LMA Weinat Teaser

Newspapers invented first-party data. Yet, many publishers lack a first-party data strategy and an actionable 360-degree customer view.

Date: Tuesday, December 6th, 1PM EST | 10AM PST

This webinar will cover:

  • How to leverage the first-party you already have
  • Using behavioral intent and content insights to acquire new subscribers, increase renewals and sign ups
  • Understanding and knowing the “WHO” is the key ingredient to personalization—no matter the channel
  • Plus, get out your BINGO markers for some BINGO fun! This interactive exercise will help determine if you are ready for digital transformation.

View this LMA webinar with Joanne Persico, President/Co-Founder of ONEcount as she covers real world best practices and lessons learned from over two decades of working with b2b publishers, membership-driven associations, newspapers and event-based media companies.

Link to Recording:
Passcode: #08d$rz0

Link to Slideshow:

About the Local Media Association (LMA)
LMA is an industry leader in convening thoughtful conversations on innovative and sustainable solutions to the problems facing local media. The association has over 3,000 members, ranging from newspapers to radio and TV stations, as well as hundreds of research & development partners, who work together to transform the industry with new technology and ideas.